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A Great Oral Hygiene Routine Can Improve Your Overall Health

Having excellent oral hygiene and taking great care of your teeth and gums is an essential step in doing your part to prevent things like tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath from happening to you. However, most are unaware that taking proper care of their oral health also directly impacts the rest of their body's overall health. 

We're here to help break down which overall health conditions may be directly linked to poor oral health and what you can do to keep your entire body as healthy as possible. 

Top Health Conditions Linked To Poor Oral Health

Heart Disease

Studies have demonstrated that people with bleeding gums from poor dental hygiene could be increasing their risk of developing heart disease. When you have bleeding gums, bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and stick to platelets, which can then form blood clots, interrupting blood flow to the heart and ultimately triggering a heart attack. 

Pancreatic Cancer

Several reports of solid evidence link gum disease and pancreatic cancer. In 2007, the findings of periodontitis, a specific type of gum inflammation, were found to be directly associated with those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Research has also suggested that there may be a link between high levels of carcinogenic compounds found in the mouths of people with gum disease and pancreatic cancer risk. While this is not an established risk factor, one could assume that gum disease could very well create an environment favorable to the development.

Alzheimer's Disease

A bacterium called Porphyromonas gingivalis is usually associated with chronic gum disease, and past studies have tried to prove a connection between patients affected with Alzheimer's, their brains, and the consistent finding of Porphyromonas gingivitis in these patients. There is sufficient scientific evidence to show that two of the three gum disease-causing bacteria are capable of motion and have been consistently found in brain tissue of those affected with Alzheimer's. 

Connecting Gum Disease To Other Associated Conditions 

Both gum disease and potentially associated conditions like heart disease are incredibly complex conditions, with so many defining factors. It isn't easy to stage a comprehensive study to deliver a definitive answer while controlling the necessary variables. But as more and more studies yield an unexplainable gum disease - heart disease connection, researchers continue to explore the reasons for this link.

Know Your Risks For Developing Gum Disease 

Certain factors make you more likely to experience gum disease at some point in your life. While some of these factors are unavoidable, many are entirely preventable by taking extra care of your oral hygiene and habits to keep your smile intact and healthy. 

The risk factors of gum disease include:

Preventing Other Health Conditions With Great Dental Health 

It's a proven fact that certain diseases show up in your mouth first, making your dentist the first defense against new health problems. While you may not see your physician on a routine basis, scheduling regular dental exams every six months could help you keep not just your teeth and gums healthy but the rest of your body as well. 

Do your part by:

Contact Elite Dental & Denture PC today and schedule your next cleaning and exam to determine if you're at a higher risk of developing periodontal disease. 

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